It’s an age-old tradition, to clear out and clean the house as spring begins. Spring cleaning comes from the days when homes were heated only by fireplaces and doors were kept closed to keep the heat in. It presented the opportunity to air the house out and clean it of soot and grime accumulated over the winter months.
Now however, our homes, habits and lifestyles have changed. With central heating and open-plan living we don’t spend winters hibernating the way people used to. The need to clear the home of soot and grime may not be necessary but taking the opportunity to spring clean your home will give you a refreshed, revitalising kick-start. It’s beneficial in both practical and psychological ways.
Don’t know where to start? Here’s a comprehensive list of what to tackle and how.
Firstly, declutter every room and throw out or donate items you don’t need. This makes the cleaning process a lot faster.
a) Kitchen
- Clean out the refrigerator and freezer with hot water and dishwashing soap
- Degrease cooking appliances including the stove, oven and microwave with soapy steel wool pads
- Clear out cupboards and wipe clean with antibacterial cleanser
- Wipe exterior doors and benchtops with all purpose spray
- Sweep, vacuum and mop floors
b) Bedrooms
- Vacuum and wipe walls, ceilings and dust all surfaces
- Open up the windows
- Dry clean blankets, doonas and pillows
- Wash sheets
- Throw out or donate clothes that haven’t been worn in 12 months
- Clean inside wardrobes and draws
- Clean windows and window sills
- Clean light fittings and lamps
- Wash window treatments like curtains and or have them dry cleaned
- Shampoo or steam clean carpets and area rugs
c) Bathrooms
- Vacuum and wipe walls, ceilings and dust all surfaces
- Spray and soak showers, tubs, floors and sinks with a strong cleaning agent
- Rinse everything clean including the showerhead and taps
- Clean the mirrors
- Mop the floor on your way out
- Clean heat lamps and light fittings
d) Living room, family room and dining rooms
- Dust ceiling fans and heating vents
- Vacuum and wipe walls and ceilings
- Rent an upholstery-cleaning machine to give your couches a good clean
- Clean windows and window sills
- Dust bookshelves
- Clean light fittings and lamps
- Sweep out your fireplace and store unused logs
- Clean the carpets
It may take a day or a weekend to complete but it’s so worth the effort. When the cleaning is finished, go ahead and order take out – you’ve earned it!
If you’re thinking of selling this spring talk to our team of agents who can recommend things to prepare that will maximise your sale price.